OneWoman's View
Natalie Ammarell Photography
2020 Photography
A year of change, indeed. Moving to a new place...

Finding momentary escape to the coast and my beloved photography treks...

I love beach sunsets and designs. Got some help with Pano pix. Here's more if you like them too.

On left, Little Blue Heron in my favorite wings down/umbrella pose! On right, the inside of this water lily caught my attention.

Osprey nest at far reaches of Preserve. Of course, I must track progress over my time here...Click to follow with me.

Swallow-tailed Kite - There were lots of them floating high above on this day...

Nice Dragon Fly
Red-bellied Woodpecker watching over nest hole - yes, there is something in there; I saw a head peep out...

Night Heron

This is a Swamp Hen chick. Undeveloped wings - candy corn beak.

My conclusion: Butterflies are an endangered species - very hard to find them...

Juvenile Green Heron
Happy gator with camouflage taken from water...

Green Heron
Chick-juvies: Always best to count the eyes - I count three of 'em... -->

Anhinga drying wings...

Hard to believe these are same bird - night heron adult (left) & juvenile (right)

Dragon Flies come in many lovely colors

Had to revisit - eyes are just amazing!
Another revisit - so majestic! And, now I am aware, very outspoken...